‘Flossing’ Gets Dentist’s VCT Floors Shined in Westampton

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  • Case Studies ‘Flossing’ Gets Dentist’s VCT Floors Shined in Westampton

Ok, so we’re not so much flossing it, be we darn sure are making it pearly white & bright again!

Client sees the pictures I posted on line of a “knock your socks off” transformation of a flat dull VCT tile floor. She saw before and after pictures from flat to shiny and brilliant again. Impressed she saw how it now reflects light and looks like a million bucks compared to what we started with.

Seeing the pictures she wanted the same thing for her small dental practice floors. She called to get a quote. After speaking to her I told her we could stop out that very same day. I asked that if she liked what we were proposing would she like to preset an appointment. Hearing they are closed Mondays I offered the very next Monday (it was Friday afternoon). She invited us to stop by and they would show us around.

We arrive shortly after that to be greeted by the office manager, and come to learn the Doctor’s husband.

Even with a few patients he invites us back to walk through the property, but cautions there are patients in the exam rooms. Hearing our chat the Doctor steps away from the exam room. She quickly explained what she wanted.

Being engaged for a min or so she was ‘all in’ with our description and of what we are proposing. And the pictures she saw on line convinced her to move forward. She immediately approves our pricing and time line.

Monday, their day off worked for her, and we could do our work seamlessly while they were offsite.

After the formalities of alarms and door access we were given our final instructions. So confident and excited that her floors would look similarly she had no hesitation in allowing us to be on location doing our work unsupervised. Much to her husband’s chagrin, she was matter of fact in that she would not travel an hour south on her day off to babysit us.

All set, we had our marching orders, and it was to polish those pearly whites she walks on for her please!

Come Monday we were all loaded up and got to the floor mid am. First would be to strip out the floor and steam rinse it with our truck mount extraction steam cleaner. Then once that was done we could steam clean the carpets while the first wax coat was applied.

Of course, I wouldn’t say the work was done totally sight unseen. There were cameras everywhere.  And with her husbands timidness toward trusting us, we was certain they were keeping an eye on the work via the camera system. (That works for her, and us.)

As the technical “wet work” was completed, Chris packed the truck up and left Jeff to finish the wax coats.

You see we get the team in to strip out the floor, and everyone works like bees on honey. It is a work in concert, everyone knows what to do. And all jump in. But to lay people what they don’t understand is this is a combination of traditional floor care amped up on steroids.

Stripper is laid on the floor, then scrubbed in. After scrubbing, the dirty wax releases in the wet stripper solution that turns the floor dark brown. Then it is rinsed with a shop vac to extract off the dirty mop slurry.  And now for the “secret sauce”.

Most traditional floor teams simply rinse with a shop vac and call it a day, we don’t!

We steam rinse the floor and the edges to thoroughly rinse it, which we refer to as our ‘secret sauce’! We use the hottest water possible, and is close to boiling. And we use copious amounts of it exiting the wand at high pressure psi. This out rinses any shop vac sucking it up. And even our strong vacuum recovery cleans more thoroughly.

A shop vac will not in a million years replicate what we do. It just sucks the dirt up. What we do in steam rinsing is light years faster. There is just no comparison to a mere shop vac of the floor, or that of a janitor using a bucket and a mop would ever be able to do.

So with all that work complete one person stays behind to lay the final wax coats down.

Let’s call it ‘wax-on’, and more ‘wax-on’. To be specific, Jeff (in this case) stays behind to lay the coats. Akin to watching grass grow, on a small job it is usually a one man job.

And lastly, and importantly what wax formula is also tantamount to a successfully looking and performing floor.

A quality wax suitable for commercial use should be utilized. In fact, superior wax coats ideal for commercial foot traffic should have 25%-35% solids, and be of a proper coefficient of friction to prevent trip and fall hazards. And, they should be applied full strength.

A dirty trick the cheap floor guys will do that further waters down the floor performance is to do just that, water it down.

They will cut the wax so it covers more square feet, and or will use a cheaper, thinner formula from the get go. Not here, or not in any case with us!

To sum it up on this job, Jeff builds the wax coats and the floor is pearly shiny white and reflecting beautifully!

He snaps some final pictures, secures the facility and is on his way. He reports all is well.

Fast forward, it’s tooth cleaning Tuesday, and I arrive to speak to The Doctor about her floors- She is really happy!

I arrive at lunchtime and I am pleased, these floors are clean and clearly brilliant again. I see her on her lunch break and she gets up with I would say is a skip in her step.

Our Doctor client admits ” I love it so much, how brilliant it is, I don’t even want to walk on it!”

She clearly is happy with her floors and that she trusted that we would do the same for her as we did for the client whose pictures she saw that made her call us in the first place!

Have VCT floors you want to have clean, shiny and brilliant again,  give us a call. Free Estimates Call 609.953.0472. Or Contact Us online and we’ll reach out!